4  Ring Gathering

First, the data on ring member ages must be collected from the Monero blockchain. This is done by repeated RPC queries to a running instance of monerod, the Monero node software.

Several parallel processes are spawned to query monerod. The number of processes is half of the CPU’s threads, minus one.

The user should specify two variables

Open an R session and run the following code. Do not close the R session after running it. On a powerful machine, it will take about 24 hours to finish.

4.1 Code


current.height <- NA # 3263496
# current.height should be the most recent height that you want to collect data for


block.heights <- 1220516:current.height
# 1220516 is hard fork height that allowed the first RingCT transactions
# https://github.com/monero-project/monero#scheduled-softwarenetwork-upgrades

url.rpc <- ""
# Set the IP address and port of your node. Should usually be ""
# Data can be pulled from multiple monerod instances. In that case, the blockchains
# of the multiple monerod instances should be on different storage devices because
# storage I/O seems to be the bottleneck. Specify multiple instances as:
# url.rpc <- c("", "")

# Modified from TownforgeR::tf_rpc_curl function
xmr.rpc <- function(
    url.rpc = "",
  method = "",
  params = list(),
  userpwd = "",
  num.as.string = FALSE,
  nonce.as.string = FALSE,
  keep.trying.rpc = FALSE,
  curl = RCurl::getCurlHandle(),

  json.ret <- RJSONIO::toJSON(
      jsonrpc = "2.0",
      id = "0",
      method = method,
      params = params
    ), digits = 50

  rcp.ret <-    tryCatch(RCurl::postForm(url.rpc,
    .opts = list(
      userpwd = userpwd,
      postfields = json.ret,
      httpheader = c('Content-Type' = 'application/json', Accept = 'application/json')
      # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19267261/timeout-while-reading-csv-file-from-url-in-r
    curl = curl
  ), error = function(e) {NULL})

  if (keep.trying.rpc && length(rcp.ret) == 0) {
    while (length(rcp.ret) == 0) {
      rcp.ret <-    tryCatch(RCurl::postForm(url.rpc,
        .opts = list(
          userpwd = userpwd,
          postfields = json.ret,
          httpheader = c('Content-Type' = 'application/json', Accept = 'application/json')
          # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19267261/timeout-while-reading-csv-file-from-url-in-r
        curl = curl
      ), error = function(e) {NULL})

  if (is.null(rcp.ret)) {
    stop("Cannot connect to monerod. Is monerod running?")

  if (num.as.string) {
    rcp.ret <- gsub("(: )([-0123456789.]+)([,\n\r])", "\\1\"\\2\"\\3", rcp.ret )

  if (nonce.as.string & ! num.as.string) {
    rcp.ret <- gsub("(\"nonce\": )([-0123456789.]+)([,\n\r])", "\\1\"\\2\"\\3", rcp.ret )

  RJSONIO::fromJSON(rcp.ret, asText = TRUE) # , simplify = FALSE


  threads <- max(2, min(floor(parallelly::availableCores()/2), 32L) - length(url.rpc))

  future::plan(future::multisession(workers = threads))
  options(future.globals.maxSize= 8000*1024^2)


  # Randomize block heights to make processing time more uniform between parallel processes
  block.heights <- split(block.heights, sample(cut(block.heights, threads)))
  # First randomly put heights into list elements (split() will sort them ascendingly in each list element)
  block.heights <- lapply(block.heights, sample)
  # Then order the heights randomly within each list element
  block.heights <- unname(block.heights)

  returned <- future.apply::future_lapply(block.heights, function(block.heights) {

    url.rpc <- sample(url.rpc, 1)

    handle <- RCurl::getCurlHandle()

    return.data <- vector("list", length(block.heights))

    for (height.iter in seq_along(block.heights)) {

      height <- block.heights[height.iter]

      block.data <- xmr.rpc(url.rpc = paste0(url.rpc, "/json_rpc"),
        method = "get_block",
        params = list(height = height ),
        keep.trying.rpc = TRUE,
        curl = handle)$result

      txs.to.collect <- c(block.data$miner_tx_hash, block.data$tx_hashes)

      rcp.ret <-    tryCatch(RCurl::postForm(paste0(url.rpc, "/get_transactions"),
        .opts = list(
          postfields = paste0('{"txs_hashes":["', paste0(txs.to.collect, collapse = '","'), '"],"decode_as_json":true}'),
          httpheader = c('Content-Type' = 'application/json', Accept = 'application/json')
        curl = handle
      ), error = function(e) {NULL})

      if (length(rcp.ret) == 0) {
        while (length(rcp.ret) == 0) {
          rcp.ret <- tryCatch(RCurl::postForm(paste0(url.rpc, "/get_transactions"),
            .opts = list(
              postfields = paste0('{"txs_hashes":["', paste0(txs.to.collect, collapse = '","'), '"],"decode_as_json":true}'),
              httpheader = c('Content-Type' = 'application/json', Accept = 'application/json')
            curl = handle
          ), error = function(e) {NULL})

      rcp.ret <- RJSONIO::fromJSON(rcp.ret, asText = TRUE)

      output.index.collected <- vector("list", length(txs.to.collect))
      rings.collected <- vector("list", length(txs.to.collect) - 1)

      for (i in seq_along(txs.to.collect)) {

        tx.json <- tryCatch(
          RJSONIO::fromJSON(rcp.ret$txs[[i]]$as_json, asText = TRUE),
          error = function(e) {NULL} )

        if (is.null(tx.json)) {
          # stop()
          cat(paste0("tx: ", i, " block: ", height, "\n"), file = "~/RingCT-problems.txt", append = TRUE)

        output.amounts <- sapply(tx.json$vout, FUN = function(x) {x$amount})

        tx_size_bytes <- ifelse(i == 1,
          nchar(rcp.ret$txs[[i]]$pruned_as_hex) / 2,
          nchar(rcp.ret$txs[[i]]$as_hex) / 2)
        # Coinbase has special structure
        # Reference:
        # https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-dev/20221231
        # https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/8691
        # https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/8311

        calc.tx.weight.clawback <- function(p, is.bpp) {
          pow.of.two <- 2^(1:4)
          pow.of.two.index <- findInterval(p, pow.of.two, left.open = TRUE) + 1

          n_padded_outputs <- pow.of.two[pow.of.two.index]

          if (is.bpp) {
            multiplier <- 6
          } else {
            multiplier <- 9

          bp_base <- (32 * (multiplier + 7 * 2)) / 2
          nlr <- ceiling(log2(64 * p))
          bp_size <- 32 * (multiplier + 2 * nlr)
          transaction_clawback <- (bp_base * n_padded_outputs - bp_size) * 4 / 5
          floor(transaction_clawback) # With bpp, this is sometimes (always?) not an integer
        # Equation from page 63 of Zero to Monero 2.0
        # Updated with Bulletproofs+
        # https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blame/c8214782fb2a769c57382a999eaf099691c836e7/src/cryptonote_basic/cryptonote_format_utils.cpp#L106

        if (length(tx.json$vout) == 2 || i == 1) {
          # i == 1 means the first tx, which is the coinbase tx
          tx_weight_bytes <- tx_size_bytes
        } else {
          tx_weight_bytes <- tx_size_bytes +
            calc.tx.weight.clawback(length(tx.json$vout), length(tx.json$rctsig_prunable$bpp) > 0)

        tx_fee <- ifelse(i == 1 || is.null(tx.json$rct_signatures), NA, tx.json$rct_signatures$txnFee)
        # missing non-RingCT tx fee

        is.mordinal <-
          height >= 2838965 &&
          length(tx.json$vout) == 2 &&
          i > 1 && # not the first tx, which is the coinbase tx
          length(tx.json$extra) > 44 &&
          tx.json$extra[45] == 16
        # With "&&", evaluates each expression sequentially until it is false (if ever). Then stops.
        # If all are TRUE, then returns true.

        is.mordinal.transfer <-
          height >= 2838965 &&
          length(tx.json$vout) == 2 &&
          i > 1 && # not the first tx, which is the coinbase tx
          length(tx.json$extra) > 44 &&
          tx.json$extra[45] == 17

        output.index.collected[[i]] <- data.table(
          block_height = height,
          block_timestamp = block.data$block_header$timestamp,
          tx_num = i,
          tx_hash = txs.to.collect[i],
          tx_version = tx.json$version,
          tx_fee = tx_fee,
          tx_size_bytes = tx_size_bytes,
          tx_weight_bytes = tx_weight_bytes,
          number_of_inputs = length(tx.json$vin),
          number_of_outputs = length(tx.json$vout),
          output_num = seq_along(rcp.ret$txs[[i]]$output_indices),
          output_index = rcp.ret$txs[[i]]$output_indices,
          output_amount = output.amounts,
          output_unlock_time = tx.json$unlock_time,
          is_mordinal = is.mordinal,
          is_mordinal_transfer = is.mordinal.transfer)

        if (i == 1L) { next }
        # Skip first tx since it is the coinbase and has no inputs

        tx_hash <- txs.to.collect[i]

        rings <- vector("list", length(tx.json$vin))

        for (j in seq_along(tx.json$vin)) {
          rings[[j]] <- data.table(
            tx_hash = tx_hash,
            input_num = j,
            input_amount = tx.json$vin[[j]]$key$amount,
            key_offset_num = seq_along(tx.json$vin[[j]]$key$key_offsets),
            key_offsets = tx.json$vin[[j]]$key$key_offsets

        rings.collected[[i-1]] <- rbindlist(rings)


      output.index.collected <- data.table::rbindlist(output.index.collected)
      rings.collected <- rbindlist(rings.collected)

      return.data[[height.iter]] <- list(
        output.index.collected = output.index.collected,
        rings.collected = rings.collected)



  }, future.seed = TRUE)

# Shuts down R threads to free RAM

returned.temp <- vector("list", length(returned))

for (i in seq_along(returned)) {
  returned.temp[[i]] <- list(
    output.index.collected = rbindlist(lapply(returned[[i]],
      FUN = function(y) { y$output.index.collected })),
    rings.collected = rbindlist(lapply(returned[[i]],
      FUN = function(y) { y$rings.collected }))

returned.temp <- list(
  output.index.collected = rbindlist(lapply(returned.temp,
    FUN = function(y) { y$output.index.collected })),
  rings.collected = rbindlist(lapply(returned.temp,
    FUN = function(y) { y$rings.collected }))

output.index <- returned.temp$output.index.collected
returned.temp$output.index.collected <- NULL
xmr.rings <- returned.temp$rings.collected

setorder(xmr.rings, tx_hash, input_num, key_offset_num)

xmr.rings[, output_index := cumsum(key_offsets), by = c("tx_hash", "input_num")]

xmr.rings <- merge(xmr.rings, unique(output.index[, .(tx_hash, block_height,
  block_timestamp, tx_fee, tx_size_bytes, tx_weight_bytes, is_mordinal, is_mordinal_transfer)]), by = "tx_hash")

ring.col.names <- c("block_height", "block_timestamp", "tx_fee", "tx_size_bytes",
  "tx_weight_bytes", "is_mordinal", "is_mordinal_transfer")

setnames(xmr.rings, ring.col.names, paste0(ring.col.names, "_ring"))

output.index[, output_amount_for_index := ifelse(tx_num == 1, 0, output_amount)]

output.index <- output.index[ !(tx_num == 1 & tx_version == 1), ]
# Remove coinbase outputs that are ineligible for use in a RingCT ring
# See https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-dev/20230323#c224570

v16.fork.height <- 2689608 # 2022-08-14
xmr.rings <- xmr.rings[block_height_ring >= v16.fork.height, ]
# Remove data from before August 2022 hard fork

xmr.rings <- merge(xmr.rings, output.index[, .(block_height, block_timestamp, tx_num, output_num,
  output_index, output_amount, output_amount_for_index, output_unlock_time,
  is_mordinal, is_mordinal_transfer, tx_fee, tx_size_bytes)],
  # only dont need tx_hash column from output.index
  by.x = c("input_amount", "output_index"),
  by.y = c("output_amount_for_index", "output_index")) #, all = TRUE)

xmr.rings <- xmr.rings[input_amount == 0, ]
# Remove non-RingCT rings

setorder(output.index, block_height, tx_num, output_num)

xmr.rings.isoweek <- unique(xmr.rings[, .(block_timestamp_ring = block_timestamp_ring)])

xmr.rings.isoweek[, block_timestamp_ring_isoweek := paste0(lubridate::isoyear(as.POSIXct(block_timestamp_ring, origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "UTC")), "-",
  formatC(lubridate::isoweek(as.POSIXct(block_timestamp_ring, origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "UTC")), width = 2, flag = "0"))]

xmr.rings <- merge(xmr.rings, xmr.rings.isoweek, by = "block_timestamp_ring")
# speed improvement by splitting and then merging

iso.weeks <- xmr.rings[, unique(block_timestamp_ring_isoweek)]

iso.weeks <- iso.weeks[as.numeric(gsub("-", "", iso.weeks, fixed = TRUE)) >= 202233]
# week after hard fork