6  Broadcast Time

A transaction’s distribution of decoys is based on the time of transaction construction, not on the time that it is confirmed on the blockchain. Since most transactions are confirmed shortly after being broadcast, blockchain confirmation time is nonetheless a good approximation of transaction construction time. However, we can improve over this approximation by using ephemeral data about when broadcasted transactions arrived in nodes’ txpools, which has been collected since late December 2022.

The transaction construction times are computed as follows:

The largest discrepancy between the time of construction and time of confirmation occurred during the March 2024 suspected spam attack (Rucknium 2024).

This code should be run in the same R session as previous chapters.

6.1 Code

threads <- 16
future::plan(future::multisession(workers = threads))

blocks <- rbind(

blocks <- blocks[blocks$block_height != 0, ]
setorder(blocks, block_height, block_receive_time)
blocks <- unique(blocks, by = "block_height")

mempool <- rbind(

setorder(mempool, receive_time)
mempool <- unique(mempool, by = "id_hash")

setnames(blocks, "block_receive_time", "canon.block_receive_time")
setnames(mempool, "receive_time", "canon.receive_time")

# Some of this script taken from https://github.com/Rucknium/misc-research/blob/main/Monero-TX-Confirm-Delay/xmr-data-prep.R

block_height.unique <- blocks[, na.omit(unique(block_height))]

all.blocks <- min(block_height.unique[block_height.unique > 0]):max(block_height.unique)
# min():max() since some blocks are "skipped"
# Need to have positive since rarely block height is corrupted  in RPC response
# to "0"

blockchain.data <- future.apply::future_lapply(seq_along(all.blocks), function(i) {

  block.data <- xmr.rpc(url.rpc = "", method = "get_block",
    params = list(height = all.blocks[i]))$result

  if (length(block.data$tx_hashes) > 0) {
    y <- data.table::data.table(
      block_height = all.blocks[i],
      id_hash = block.data$tx_hashes,
      block_num_txes = block.data$block_header$num_txes,
      block_reward = block.data$block_header$reward
  } else {
    y <- data.table::data.table(
      block_height = all.blocks[i],
      id_hash = "<NO_TXS_IN_BLOCK>",
      block_num_txes = block.data$block_header$num_txes,
      block_reward = block.data$block_header$reward

blockchain.data <- data.table::rbindlist(blockchain.data)

blocks.filled <- merge(data.table(block_height = all.blocks),
  blocks[, c("block_height", "canon.block_receive_time")], all = TRUE)


blocks.filled$canon.block_receive_time <- zoo::na.locf(blocks.filled$canon.block_receive_time, fromLast = TRUE)

blockchain.data <- merge(blocks.filled, blockchain.data)

blockchain.data <- merge(blockchain.data, mempool, by = "id_hash", all = TRUE)


mempool.archive.blocks <- unique(blockchain.data[, .(block_height, canon.block_receive_time)])
mempool.archive.blocks <- mempool.archive.blocks[complete.cases(mempool.archive.blocks), ]
# As of now, this only eliminates a single row that has block_height = NA, canon.block_receive_time = NA
mempool.archive.blocks <- rbind(mempool.archive.blocks,
  data.table(block_height = min(mempool.archive.blocks$block_height), canon.block_receive_time = 0))
# Fill in missing data from beginning of dataset when we findInterval() below
setorder(mempool.archive.blocks, canon.block_receive_time)

blockchain.data[, block_height.at.construction :=
  mempool.archive.blocks$block_height[findInterval(canon.receive_time, mempool.archive.blocks$canon.block_receive_time)] ]

blockchain.data[block_height - block_height.at.construction <= 0, block_height.at.construction := block_height - 1]

setnames(blockchain.data, "block_height.at.construction", "block_height_ring.at.construction")

blockchain.data <- blockchain.data[ (! duplicated(id_hash)) | id_hash == "<NO_TXS_IN_BLOCK>", ]

xmr.rings <- merge(xmr.rings, blockchain.data[, .(id_hash, block_height_ring.at.construction)], by.x = "tx_hash", by.y = "id_hash", all.x = TRUE)


xmr.rings[substr(block_timestamp_ring_isoweek, 1, 4) == 2022, block_height_ring.at.construction := block_height_ring - 2]
# Assume all txs had a delay of one block, before the mining pool config fix in January 2023.

weeks.missing.mempool.data <- c("2023-13", "2023-14")

xmr.rings[ is.na(block_height_ring.at.construction) & ! block_timestamp_ring_isoweek %chin% weeks.missing.mempool.data,
  block_height_ring.at.construction := block_height_ring - 1]
# The rest, if the tx "skipped" the mempool, assume that the tx was constructed right before the block it was
# confirmed in. Exclude 2023-13 and 2023-14 weeks since we are missing mempool data for those weeks.

  xmr.rings[! block_timestamp_ring_isoweek %chin% weeks.missing.mempool.data,
   .(block_height_ring.at.construction, youngest.output.index, ring_member_age)]))