10  Nonparametric Real Spend

The previous chapter, Chapter 9 , gave us the estimated value of the real spend CDF at 101 points. For the parametric fitting step, we need the probability mass function (PMF) value of the real spend age distribution at each of Monero’s 100 million spendable RingCT outputs. In this chapter we will also produce summary statistics of the estimated real spend age distribution.

10.1 Reverse the transformation of output age

In the previous chapter, Chapter 9 , we obtained an estimate of the real spend age distribution after it was transformed by the CDF of the decoy distribution in Chapter 8 . To get back to the un-transformed distribution, we need to compute G1(st)G^{-1}(s_{t}), the inverse CDF (i.e. the quantile function) of the decoy distribution. Let FŜ(x)\hat{F_{S}^{'}}(x) be the estimated CDF of the transformed real spend distribution, evaluated at support points x1,x2,...,x101x_{1},x_{2},...,x_{101}. The value of the estimated un-transformed real spend distribution FŜ\hat{F_{S}} at the iith support point is defined in Equation 10.1 :

FŜ(FŜ(xi))=G1(xi)(10.1) \hat{F_{S}}\left(\hat{F_{S}^{'}}(x_{i})\right)=G^{-1}(x_{i}) \qquad(10.1)

10.2 Interpolation of the CDF

We have evaluated the CDF at only 101 points. We want a smooth interpolation through all points, i.e. every transaction output. Hippel, Hunter, and Drown (2017) suggest fitting a cubic spline (piecewise polynomial) with monotonicity restrictions. We use the splinebins() function in the binsmooth package to accomplish the interpolation. Later, the PMF can be computed by taking the first difference of the CDF.

10.3 Computing summary statistics

Having produced the estimated real spend CDF FŜ\hat{F_{S}}, we can compute summary statistics. Quantiles, including the median, are computed easily by evaluating the inverse CDF at the desired quantile. Other statistics, such as mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis, can be computed by evaluating a Riemann–Stieltjes integral with the appropriate integrand.

10.4 Code

This code can be run in a new R session.


cdf.dir <- "weekly-weighted-cdf"
results.dir <- "results"

results.dir.run <- paste0(results.dir, "/results-01/")

exclusion.weeks <- NULL

nonparametric.real.spend <- list()

for (label in c("all", "rucknium", "rucknium_isthmus")) {
  results.dir.run.label <- paste0(results.dir.run, "bjr/", label, "/")
  week.set <- list.files(results.dir.run.label)
  week.set <- week.set[grepl(".qs", week.set)]
  weekly.real.spend.cdfs <- list()
  summary.stats <- data.table(week = week.set, mean = 0, median = 0, sd = 0, skewness = 0, kurtosis = 0)
  mixing.proportions <- data.table(week = week.set, component_1 = 0,  component_2 = 0,  component_3 = 0,  component_4 = 0)
  for (week.to.analyze in week.set) {
    bjr.results <- qs::qread(paste0(results.dir.run.label, week.to.analyze))
    cat(week.to.analyze, round(100 * rev(sort(bjr.results$mixing.proportions)), 3),  "\n")
    # print(round(100 * rev(sort(bjr.results$mixing.proportions)), 3))
    mixing.proportions[week == week.to.analyze, component_1 := rev(sort(bjr.results$mixing.proportions))[1]]
    mixing.proportions[week == week.to.analyze, component_2 := rev(sort(bjr.results$mixing.proportions))[2]]
    mixing.proportions[week == week.to.analyze, component_3 := rev(sort(bjr.results$mixing.proportions))[3]]
    mixing.proportions[week == week.to.analyze, component_4 := rev(sort(bjr.results$mixing.proportions))[4]]
  support.max <- 0
  all.weeks.weighted.v.mean <- c()
  for (week.to.analyze in setdiff(week.set, exclusion.weeks)) {
    if (week.to.analyze %in% summary.stats[mean != 0, week]) { next }
    cat(week.to.analyze, "\n")
    weekly.weighted.cdf <- qs::qread(paste0(cdf.dir, week.to.analyze))
    weighted.v.mean <- weekly.weighted.cdf[[1]]$weighted.v.mean
    all.weeks.weighted.v.mean[week.to.analyze] <- weighted.v.mean
    weekly.z.max <- weekly.weighted.cdf[[1]]$weekly.z.max
    support.max <- max(c(support.max, weekly.z.max))
    weekly.weighted.cdf <- weekly.weighted.cdf[[1]]$weekly.weighted.cdf
    intermediate.stepfun <- stepfun(seq_along(weekly.weighted.cdf), c(0, weekly.weighted.cdf))
    weekly.weighted.inv.cdf <- Vectorize(function(x) { gbutils::cdf2quantile(x, cdf = intermediate.stepfun) })
    bjr.results <- qs::qread(paste0(results.dir.run.label, week.to.analyze))
    wallet2.dist.index <- which.max(bjr.results$mixing.proportions)
    Fn.hat.value <- bjr.results$cdf$CDF[, wallet2.dist.index]
    supp.points <- bjr.results$cdf$cdf.points
    decoy <- punif
    Fb <- decoy
    M = 16
    alpha <- 1/M
    patra.sen.bjr.results <- patra.sen.bjr(Fn.hat.value, supp.points, Fb, alpha)
    Fs.hat <- patra.sen.bjr.results$Fs.hat
    supp.points.transformed <- vector("numeric", length(supp.points))
    for (i in seq_along(supp.points)) {
      if (supp.points[i] < 0.000001) {
        supp.points.transformed[i] <- 0
      if (supp.points[i] > max(weekly.weighted.cdf)) {
        # Sometimes max(weekly.weighted.cdf) is not equal to 1
        supp.points.transformed[i] <- length(weekly.weighted.cdf)
      supp.points.transformed[i] <- weekly.weighted.inv.cdf(supp.points[i])
    regularized.real.spend.cdf <- aggregate(Fs.hat, by = list(Fs.hat.transformed = supp.points.transformed), FUN = max)
    Fs.hat.transformed.reg <- regularized.real.spend.cdf$Fs.hat.transformed
    supp.points.reg <- regularized.real.spend.cdf$x
    # Regularized eliminates duplicate support points
    weekly.real.spend.cdfs[[week.to.analyze]] <- binsmooth::splinebins(
      bEdges = c(Fs.hat.transformed.reg, max(Fs.hat.transformed.reg) + 1),
      bCounts = c(diff(c(0, supp.points.reg)), 0))$splineCDF
    real.spend.ecdf <- stepfun(c(Fs.hat.transformed.reg), c(0, supp.points.reg))
    days.unit <- weighted.v.mean/(60^2*24)
    est.mean <- spatstat.univar::stieltjes(function(x){x * days.unit}, real.spend.ecdf)[[1]]
    est.var <- spatstat.univar::stieltjes(function(x){(x * days.unit - est.mean)^2}, real.spend.ecdf)[[1]]
    if ( ! week.to.analyze %in% summary.stats$week) {
      summary.stats <- rbind(summary.stats, data.table(week = week.to.analyze), fill = TRUE)
    summary.stats[week == week.to.analyze, mean := est.mean]
    summary.stats[week == week.to.analyze, median := Fs.hat.transformed.reg[findInterval(0.5, supp.points.reg)] * days.unit ]
    summary.stats[week == week.to.analyze, percentile.25 := Fs.hat.transformed.reg[findInterval(0.25, supp.points.reg)] * days.unit ]
    summary.stats[week == week.to.analyze, sd := sqrt(est.var)]
    summary.stats[week == week.to.analyze, skewness := spatstat.univar::stieltjes(function(x){(x * days.unit - est.mean)^3}, real.spend.ecdf)[[1]] / est.var^(3/2)]
    summary.stats[week == week.to.analyze, kurtosis := spatstat.univar::stieltjes(function(x){(x * days.unit - est.mean)^4}, real.spend.ecdf)[[1]] / est.var^(2)]
  setorder(summary.stats, week)
  nonparametric.real.spend[[label]] <- list(weekly.real.spend.cdfs = weekly.real.spend.cdfs, all.weeks.weighted.v.mean = all.weeks.weighted.v.mean, support.max = support.max,
    mixing.proportions = mixing.proportions, summary.stats = summary.stats)


qs::qsave(nonparametric.real.spend, file = paste0(results.dir.run, "nonparametric-real-spend.qs"))