12  Parametric Fit

Having estimated the nonparametric PMF, we now need to fit a parametric distribution.

First, the weekly PMFs must be aggregated. The value of the weekly PMFs at each support point can simply be averaged. Some weeks are excluded because of data availability problems or exogenous shocks:

As stated in Section 11.2 , the mixing proportion of the second-largest component distribution was estimated to be much larger during some of the exogenous events, suggesting inappropriate splitting of the wallet2 ring distribution. In theory, the first and second estimated components could be re-combined by computing their weighted sum, with the estimated mixing proportions as their weights. The simpler solution is to exclude these weeks as anomalous, which is what I have done.

12.1 Objective function

Usually, fitting a parametric distribution to nonparametric data involves minimization or maximization of an objective function by adjusting the parametric distribution’s parameters until the best fit is achieved. In OSPEAD, the new decoy parametric probability distribution will be chosen by minimizing the probability that the Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) Decoder Attack described by Aeeneh et al. (2021) is successful. Let ZZ be the total number of outputs eligible to be spent in a RingCT ring. Let fSf_S be the real spend probability mass function (PMF). Let fDf_D be a proposed decoy PMF. Let 𝟏{}\mathbf{1}\{\} be the indicator function that takes value 1 when the statement within the braces is true and 0 otherwise. The average success probability of the MAP Decoder attack is

LMAPDecoder=i=1ZfS(i)(j=1ZfD(j)𝟏{fS(j)fD(j)<fS(i)fD(i)})M(12.1) L_{MAP\:Decoder}=\sum_{i=1}^{Z}f_{S}\left(i\right)\left(\sum_{j=1}^{Z}f_{D}\left(j\right)\mathbf{1}\left\{ \tfrac{f_{S}\left(j\right)}{f_{D}\left(j\right)}<\tfrac{f_{S}\left(i\right)}{f_{D}\left(i\right)}\right\} \right)^{M} \qquad(12.1)

The fS(i)f_{S}\left(i\right) weights the attack success probability by the probability mass at the iith output. Very old outputs are rarely spent, so they are given low weight. Equation 12.1 can be modified to give more weight to old outputs. The fS(i)f_{S}\left(i\right) weight can be changed into a convex combination of fS(i)f_{S}\left(i\right) and giving each output an equal weight, parameterized by λ\lambda: (λfS(i)+(1λ)1Z)\left(\lambda f_{S}\left(i\right)+(1-\lambda)\frac{1}{Z}\right). The more general objective function is

LMAPDecoder(λ)=i=1Z(λfS(i)+(1λ)1Z)j=1Z(fD(j)𝟏{fS(j)fD(j)<fS(i)fD(i)})M(12.2) L_{MAP\:Decoder}(\lambda)=\sum_{i=1}^{Z}\left(\lambda f_{S}\left(i\right)+(1-\lambda)\frac{1}{Z}\right)\sum_{j=1}^{Z}\left(f_{D}\left(j\right)\mathbf{1}\left\{ \tfrac{f_{S}\left(j\right)}{f_{D}\left(j\right)}<\tfrac{f_{S}\left(i\right)}{f_{D}\left(i\right)}\right\} \right)^{M} \qquad(12.2)

We shall use λ=1\lambda=1 and λ=0.5\lambda=0.5.

12.2 Parametric distributions

The following parametric distributions will be fit:

Each distribution will be fitted on the raw nonparametric distribution and a log transformation of it.

12.3 Implementation details

12.3.1 Computational expense

Notice the double summation over ZZ in Equation 12.1 . ZZ is over 100 million. A naive implementation of Equation 12.1 would require over 10 quadrillion comparisons. Furthermore, Equation 12.1 needs to be evaluated several hundred times during the numerical optimization algorithm. The computational issues were handled by:

  1. Developing a fast implementation of Equation 12.1 that leverages sorting logic. The implementation is in the code section as map.decoder.success.prob() below.

  2. Selecting only 10 percent of all outputs as a sample instead of the entire population. The probability of the iith output being selected is proportional to the probability mass fS(i)f_S(i). About 96 percent of the total probability mass is included because high-probability outputs are more likely to be selected.

12.3.2 Excess tail penalty

During fitting, the probability mass that is older than the oldest output is added back to the rest of the probability distribution. This procedure reflects the fact that a wallet would re-draw a random output that is older than the oldest RingCT output. During fitting, I sometimes observed excessive “flattening” of the probability distribution where the portion of the distribution that extended past the oldest output exceeded 70 percent. There was a need to discourage the optimizer from flattening the distribution.

I added an excess tail penalty. When 10 percent or more of the distribution’s mass extends past the oldest output, a proportional penalty is added to the optimizer’s objective function.

12.3.3 Parameter initial values

I use the Nelder-Mead algorithm to minimize the objective functions. Nelder-Mead, like most optimization algorithms, needs initial parameter values to start the optimization procedure. The starting values are obtained by drawing 10,000 observations from the real spend distribution and estimating the appropriate maximum likelihood model parameter estimates. Of course, the maximum likelihood methods need starting values. See the documentation of the maximum likelihood R functions in the code below for details. There was no automatic method to select starting values for the noncentral F distribution. In that case, I manually specified reasonable starting values.

12.4 Code

This code can be run in a new R session. It may take a day or two to run on a powerful machine.


results.dir <- "results"

excl.weeks <- c("2023-13.qs", "2023-14.qs", "2023-51.qs", "2023-52.qs", "2024-01.qs", "2024-02.qs",
  "2024-06.qs", "2024-09.qs", "2024-10.qs", "2024-11.qs", "2024-12.qs", "2024-13.qs", "2024-14.qs",
  "2024-15.qs", "2024-16.qs", "2024-17.qs", "2024-19.qs")

lambda.params <- c(1, 0.5)

results.dir.run <- paste0(results.dir, "/results-01/")

nonparametric.real.spend <- qs::qread(file = paste0(results.dir.run, "nonparametric-real-spend.qs"))

nonparametric.real.spend <- nonparametric.real.spend$rucknium

weekly.real.spend.cdfs <- nonparametric.real.spend$weekly.real.spend.cdfs

all.weeks.weighted.v.mean <- nonparametric.real.spend$all.weeks.weighted.v.mean

weighted.v.mean <- mean(all.weeks.weighted.v.mean)

support.max <- nonparametric.real.spend$support.max

all.weeks.weighted.v.mean <- all.weeks.weighted.v.mean[! names(all.weeks.weighted.v.mean) %in% excl.weeks]

aggregate.real.spend.pmf <- diff(weekly.real.spend.cdfs[[1]](as.numeric(0:(support.max + 1))))

for (week in setdiff(names(weekly.real.spend.cdfs)[-1], excl.weeks)) {
  cat(week, "\n")
  aggregate.real.spend.pmf <- aggregate.real.spend.pmf +
    diff(weekly.real.spend.cdfs[[week]](as.numeric(0:(support.max + 1))))

aggregate.real.spend.pmf <- aggregate.real.spend.pmf/sum(aggregate.real.spend.pmf)

stopifnot(all.equal(1, sum(aggregate.real.spend.pmf)))

get.decoy.pmf <- function(cdf, v, z, sub.supp, log.trans = FALSE, ...) {
  G <- function(x) {
    cdf(x, ...)
  if (log.trans) {
    G_star <- function(x) {
  } else {
    G_star <- function(x) {
  G_star(sub.supp) - G_star(sub.supp - 1)

param.trans <- list()

f_D.lgamma <- function(param, v, z, sub.supp, get.decoy.pmf) {
  list(decoy.pmf =  get.decoy.pmf(actuar::plgamma, v, z, sub.supp = sub.supp, shapelog = exp(param[1]), ratelog = exp(param[2])),
    tail.beyond.support = 1 - actuar::plgamma(z*v, shapelog = exp(param[1]), ratelog = exp(param[2])))

param.trans$lgamma <- c(exp, exp)

f_D.gamma <- function(param, v, z, sub.supp, get.decoy.pmf, log.trans) {
  list(decoy.pmf =  get.decoy.pmf(stats::pgamma, v, z, sub.supp = sub.supp, log.trans = log.trans, shape = exp(param[1]), rate = exp(param[2])),
    tail.beyond.support = 1 - stats::pgamma(ifelse(log.trans, log1p(z*v), z*v), shape = exp(param[1]), rate = exp(param[2])))

param.trans$gamma <- c(exp, exp)

f_D.f <- function(param, v, z, sub.supp, get.decoy.pmf, log.trans) {
  list(decoy.pmf =  get.decoy.pmf(cdf = stats::pf, v, z, sub.supp, log.trans = log.trans, df1 = exp(param[1]), df2 = exp(param[2]), ncp = exp(param[3])),
    tail.beyond.support = 1 - stats::pf(ifelse(log.trans, log1p(z*v), z*v),  df1 = exp(param[1]), df2 = exp(param[2]), ncp = exp(param[3])))

param.trans$f <- c(exp, exp, exp)

f_D.rpln <- function(param, v, z, sub.supp, get.decoy.pmf, log.trans, return.log = FALSE, ...) {
  list(decoy.pmf =  get.decoy.pmf(distributionsrd::prightparetolognormal, v, z, sub.supp, log.trans = log.trans, shape2 = exp(param[1]),
    meanlog = param[2], sdlog = exp(param[3]), lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE),
    tail.beyond.support = 1 - distributionsrd::prightparetolognormal(ifelse(log.trans, log1p(z*v), z*v), shape2 = exp(param[1]), meanlog = param[2], sdlog = exp(param[3]), lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE))

param.trans$rpln <- c(exp, I, exp)

f_D.gev <- function(param, v, z, sub.supp, get.decoy.pmf, log.trans) {
  list(decoy.pmf =  get.decoy.pmf(VGAM::pgev, v, z, sub.supp = sub.supp, log.trans = log.trans, location = param[1], scale = exp(param[2]), shape = param[3]),
    tail.beyond.support = 1 - VGAM::pgev(ifelse(log.trans, log1p(z*v), z*v), location = param[1], scale = exp(param[2]), shape = param[3]))

param.trans$gev <- c(I, exp, I)

f_D.bs <- function(param, v, z, sub.supp, get.decoy.pmf, log.trans) {
  list(decoy.pmf =  get.decoy.pmf(cdf = bsgof::pbs, v, z, sub.supp, log.trans = log.trans, alpha = exp(param[1]), beta = exp(param[2])),
    tail.beyond.support = 1 - bsgof::pbs(ifelse(log.trans, log1p(z*v), z*v), alpha = exp(param[1]), beta = exp(param[2])))

param.trans$bs <- c(exp, exp)

f_D.gb2 <- function(param, v, z, sub.supp, get.decoy.pmf, log.trans) {
  list(decoy.pmf =  get.decoy.pmf(cdf = GB2::pgb2, v, z, sub.supp, log.trans = log.trans, shape1 = exp(param[1]), scale = exp(param[2]), shape2 = exp(param[3]), shape3 = exp(param[4])),
    tail.beyond.support = 1 - GB2::pgb2(ifelse(log.trans, log1p(z*v), z*v), shape1 = exp(param[1]), scale = exp(param[2]), shape2 = exp(param[3]), shape3 = exp(param[4])))

param.trans$gb2 <- c(exp, exp, exp, exp)

map.decoder.success.prob <- function(f_S, f_D) {
  # This implementation assumes that every output selected in a ring
  # is unique (i.e. does not handle multi-output aggregates like 
  # pseudo-blocks). The inequality comparison is strict.
  cut.vector <- f_S/f_D
  names(cut.vector) <- as.character(1:length(cut.vector))
  y <- data.table(f_D = f_D, cut.vector.var = cut.vector)
  setorder(y, cut.vector.var)
  cut.vector <- sort(cut.vector)
  cut.vector.unique <- cut.vector[!duplicated(cut.vector)]
  # Using duplicated() keeps names. unique() does not keep names.
  cut.vector.name.unique <- as.integer(names(cut.vector.unique))
  y[, cut.vector.cut := cut.vector.name.unique[ .bincode(cut.vector.var, c(-1, cut.vector.unique), right = FALSE)] ]
  setorder(y, cut.vector.var)
  y[, cut.vector.var := NULL]
  y[, f_D := cumsum(f_D)]
  y <- y[, .(success.prob = f_D[.N]), by = cut.vector.cut]
  y <- merge(y, data.table(cut.vector.cut = cut.vector.name.unique, cut.vector = cut.vector.unique))
  y[, cut.vector.cut := NULL]
  y <- merge(y, data.table(cut.vector.cut.names = as.integer(names(cut.vector)), cut.vector = unname(cut.vector)),
    all = TRUE, by = "cut.vector")
  y[, cut.vector := NULL]
  setorder(y, cut.vector.cut.names)
  y[, cut.vector.cut.names := NULL]
  y$success.prob[is.na(y$success.prob)] <- 0
  # At the point(s) where f_S/f_D is at a minimum, the attack would always
  # choose another block height, so the attack success probability is zero
  y <- y$success.prob
  # gc()

L_Attack <- function(param, f_D, v, z, sub.supp, theta_i, get.decoy.pmf, map.decoder.success.prob, lambda = 1, log.trans) {
  f_D.return <- f_D(param, v, z, sub.supp, get.decoy.pmf, log.trans)
  a_i <- f_D.return$decoy.pmf
  tail.penalty <- f_D.return$tail.beyond.support
  if (any(! is.finite(a_i))) { return(1) }
  a_i[a_i <= 0] <- .Machine$double.eps
  values.map.decoder.success.prob <- map.decoder.success.prob(f_S = theta_i/sum(theta_i), f_D = a_i/sum(a_i))
  n.decoys <- 15
  cat(round(tail.penalty, 5), "<>")
  tail.penalty <- tail.penalty - 0.10 # 0.05
  if (tail.penalty <= 0) {tail.penalty <- 0}
  stopifnot(length(values.map.decoder.success.prob) == length(theta_i))
  weight <- lambda * (theta_i/sum(theta_i)) + (1 - lambda) * 1/length(theta_i)
  sum(weight * (values.map.decoder.success.prob)^n.decoys) + tail.penalty

theta_i <- aggregate.real.spend.pmf
theta_i[theta_i == 0] <- .Machine$double.eps

z <- length(theta_i)
v <- mean(all.weeks.weighted.v.mean)

sub.supp <- wrswoR::sample_int_expj(length(theta_i), ceiling(length(theta_i)/10), prob = theta_i)
# wrswoR::sample_int_expj is much faster than sample() when the prob vector is long
# start at 2 so G(x - 1) is not 0
sub.supp <- sort(sub.supp)
theta_i <- theta_i[sub.supp]

gen.data <- stepfun( cumsum(theta_i/sum(theta_i)), c(0, as.numeric(sub.supp)) )

mle.generated.data <- gen.data(runif(10000))
mle.generated.data <- mle.generated.data[mle.generated.data > 0]

gamma.fit <- Rfast::gammamle(mle.generated.data)
gamma.fit.coef <- log(gamma.fit$param)

gamma.fit <- Rfast::gammamle(log1p(mle.generated.data))
gamma.fit.coef.log <- log(gamma.fit$param)

f.fit <- fitdistrplus::fitdist(mle.generated.data, "f", method = "mle", start = list(df1 = exp(-1), df2 = exp(0), ncp = exp(2)))
f.fit.coef <- log(coef(f.fit))

f.fit <- fitdistrplus::fitdist(log1p(mle.generated.data), "f", method = "mle", start = list(df1 = exp(-1), df2 = exp(0), ncp = exp(2)))
f.fit.coef.log <- log(coef(f.fit))

rpln.fit <- distributionsrd::rightparetolognormal.mle(mle.generated.data)
rpln.fit.coef <- c(log(rpln.fit$coefficients[["shape2"]]), rpln.fit$coefficients[["meanlog"]],
  log(rpln.fit$coefficients[["sdlog"]]) )

rpln.fit <- distributionsrd::rightparetolognormal.mle(log1p(mle.generated.data))
rpln.fit.coef.log <- c(log(rpln.fit$coefficients[["shape2"]]), rpln.fit$coefficients[["meanlog"]],
  log(rpln.fit$coefficients[["sdlog"]]) )

gev.fit <- VGAM::vglm(mle.generated.data ~ 1, VGAM::gevff, control = VGAM::vglm.control(maxit = 1000, trace = TRUE))
gev.fit.coef <- VGAM::Coef(gev.fit)
gev.fit.coef[2] <- log(gev.fit.coef[2])

gev.fit <- VGAM::vglm(log1p(mle.generated.data) ~ 1, VGAM::gevff, control = VGAM::vglm.control(maxit = 1000, trace = TRUE))
gev.fit.coef.log <- VGAM::Coef(gev.fit)
gev.fit.coef.log[2] <- log(gev.fit.coef.log[2])

bs.fit <- bsgof::bs.mle(mle.generated.data)
bs.fit.coef <- log(c(bs.fit$alpha, bs.fit$beta))

bs.fit <- bsgof::bs.mle(log1p(mle.generated.data))
bs.fit.coef.log <- log(c(bs.fit$alpha, bs.fit$beta))

gb2.fit <- GB2::mlfit.gb2(mle.generated.data)
gb2.fit.coef <- log(gb2.fit[[2]]$par)

gb2.fit <- GB2::mlfit.gb2(log1p(mle.generated.data + 1))
gb2.fit.coef.log <- log(gb2.fit[[2]]$par)

run.iters.simple <- expand.grid(
  f_D = c(
    f_D.gamma = f_D.gamma,
    f_D.f = f_D.f,
    f_D.rpln = f_D.rpln,
    f_D.gev = f_D.gev,
    f_D.bs = f_D.bs,
    f_D.gb2 = f_D.gb2
  flavor = 1,
  week = 0,
  est.method = 0,
  L = c(L_Attack = L_Attack),
  lambda = lambda.params,
  log.trans = c(FALSE, TRUE)

start.params <- list(
  f_D.gamma = list(no.log = gamma.fit.coef, log = gamma.fit.coef.log),
  f_D.f = list(no.log = f.fit.coef, log = f.fit.coef.log),
  f_D.rpln = list(no.log = rpln.fit.coef, log = rpln.fit.coef.log),
  f_D.gev = list(no.log = gev.fit.coef, log = gev.fit.coef.log),
  f_D.bs = list(no.log = bs.fit.coef, log = bs.fit.coef.log),
  f_D.gb2 = list(no.log = gb2.fit.coef, log = gb2.fit.coef.log))

threads <- floor(nrow(run.iters.simple)/2)
future::plan(future::multisession(workers = threads))

keep.time <- base::date()

fit.results <- future.apply::future_lapply(1:nrow(run.iters.simple), function(iter) {
  f_D.fun <- run.iters.simple$f_D[[iter]]
  L.fun <- run.iters.simple$L[[iter]]
  flavor <- run.iters.simple$flavor[[iter]]
  lambda <- run.iters.simple$lambda[[iter]]
  log.trans <- run.iters.simple$log.trans[[iter]]
  if (log.trans) {
    start.params.optim <- start.params[[names(run.iters.simple$f_D[iter])]]$log
  } else {
    start.params.optim <- start.params[[names(run.iters.simple$f_D[iter])]]$no.log
  optim.results <- optim(
    f_D = f_D.fun,
    v = v,
    z = z,
    sub.supp = sub.supp,
    get.decoy.pmf = get.decoy.pmf,
    map.decoder.success.prob = map.decoder.success.prob,
    log.trans = log.trans,
    lambda = lambda, 
    method = "Nelder-Mead", 
    control = list(trace = 6, maxit = 10000),
    theta_i = theta_i)
}, future.globals = c("run.iters.simple", "start.params", "v", "z", "sub.supp", "get.decoy.pmf",
  "map.decoder.success.prob", "theta_i", "lamba.iter"),
  future.packages = "data.table", future.seed = TRUE)
